**We are not open to the public without an appointment.**
We do not sell meat birds or processed chicken at this time.
🐣🐤🐥 March Chick Sale Order Form 🐣🐤🐥
Our annual chick sale isIf we hatch out any extras for our ag classes other times of the year, I’ll will post the chicks, Keets, ducklings, etc on FB, IG, and here. If they are not posted here, they are not available.

Fertile Hatching Eggs
Coturnix Quail (some celedon genetics) – $15/doz
From the “Freestyle Flock”** – $15/doz
F1 Olive Eggers (Black Copper Maran x Homogenous Blues) – $25/doz
Black Copper Maran (when available)- $25/doz
Silkie (when available) – $25/doz
Indian Runner Duck – $30/doz
*Straight run means gender unknown.
**Our “Freestyle Flock” is our main egg layer flock for eating egg sales, which is comprised of the following egg colors: chocolate, rose, light brown, white, olive, green, blue, and speckled. This is a flock of approximately 25-30 hens, and chicks will be from a genetic mix of many breeds.